No, everything offered by Neuro Notebook is, and will remain free. (This is the way science should be)
We accept papers on a variety of STEM topics, but specialize in medicine, neuroscience, and psychology. Research that falls within these subjects will receive the most detailed revision from our editors.
For general formatting, all submissions should be in APA with an accurate works cited page. Your full name and email should be included on the submission. For further guidance in regards to writing, visit our editor evaluation.
Yes, an abstract is necessary.
Congratulations! If your research follows our guidelines, you can expect to be emailed with our suggested revisions in 3-6 weeks.
Afterwards, you will get the opportunity to edit your writing, and submit the final draft for review, which typically takes 3-4 week. Afterwards, you are notified if your paper was approved for publication.
Interested in editing, marketing or events coordination? Visit the board member application.
Yes! Upon publication, you will be given the option to request community service hours for your work.