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Industrial Workers & Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Introduction to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CTS), also known as the most common entrapment neuropathy in human life, exists when the median nerve is compressed through the wrist (Sevy et al., 2023). The compression in the median nerve gives sensation in our hands of tingling, weakness, pain, and numbness (Sheikh & WebMD Editorial Contributors,…
Neuroplasticity: Mechanisms, Implications, and Applications
Abstract Neuroplasticity, defined as the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life, is fundamental to development, learning, memory, and recovery from brain injuries. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the mechanisms underlying neuroplasticity, including synaptic plasticity, neurogenesis, and the role of glial cells in modulating neuronal circuits. The authors…
Neurodegenerative Diseases: How the Nervous System Can Grow to Damage Itself
Neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) are conditions commonly characterized by significant physiological degeneration present in the brain and nervous systems. Despite persistent efforts from scientists and physicians for decades around the world, a definite solution for these disorders has yet to be discovered. Over 600 neurodegenerative diseases have been recorded, of those the most common conditions include…
The Effects of Common Illicit Drugs on Dopamine Production
Abstract The complications of illicit drugs on the brain are eclectic and complex. This article delves specifically into the effects incurred on dopamine pathways and production by illegal drugs and how those effects present themselves in the brain. All illicit drugs pose the risk of developing an addiction, a highly prevalent topic discussed in this…
Diabetes and its Role as a Major Contributing Factor to Peripheral Neuropathy
Abstract Individuals with unmanaged diabetes have a much higher risk of developing peripheral neuropathy. With cases of diabetes continuing to spike around the world, more people are living with nerve damage that may progressively get worse. One of the strongest possibilities as to how diabetes may lead to peripheral neuropathy is related to any damage…
A Pilot Study on Eye Movements and Cognition Modes as Predicted by the Neurolinguistic Programming Model
Roan Mee Elphinstone Secondary School Gibsons, BC, Canada Glen MacPherson, PhD (Supervisor) ABSTRACT The premise of this study was to determine the validity of the Neurolinguistic programing model as it related to eye movements and cognition modes. Participants were 30 high school students of ages 14-18 of both sexes and varied handedness. The study methods…
The Effects of Meditation on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
Hannah Jung Elphinstone Secondary, Gibsons, BC, Canada June, 2016 Supervisor: Glen MacPherson, PhD. Abstract The effects of meditation on blood pressure and heart rate were studied. The participants were 17 students (four females and 13 males) selected from a Psychology class at a mid-sized high school in the Lower Mainland of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.…
Luck or Lies – A Comparative Study of Honesty in Children
Kailyn Pritchard Elphinstone Secondary, Gibsons, B.C. June 5, 2015 The likelihood of honesty in children, ranging in age from five to twelve, when lying would be beneficial to them was studied. Fifty-seven students from a local elementary school on the Sunshine Coast, BC, were asked to flip a coin behind a screen, and report their…